A Brief History of Programmatic Advertising
Sometimes, in order to understand where we are headed, we need to also look back and see where we have come from.
This month we wanted to share a quick timeline of where we currently stand with programmatic advertising.
As always, We’re here if you need me to explain or dive a little deeper 😊
1. Early Beginnings (Late 1990s - Early 2000s):
Programmatic advertising had its humble beginnings with ad networks in the late 1990s. Advertisers could buy ad space on websites based on impressions, but the targeting options were limited.
2. Ad Exchanges and Real-Time Bidding (Mid-2000s):
In the mid-2000s, ad exchanges emerged, transforming the landscape. Publishers could auction ad inventory, and advertisers could bid in real-time, enabling data-driven targeting and more efficient ad buying.
3. DSPs and SSPs (Late 2000s):
Demand-Side Platforms (DSPs) emerged to empower advertisers, helping them manage ad campaigns programmatically and target specific audiences. Supply-Side Platforms (SSPs) automated ad inventory selling for publishers, streamlining the process.
4. Expanding Horizons (2010s - 2020s):
Programmatic advertising evolved significantly, embracing premium ad inventory, data-driven targeting with AI, and expanding into traditional media with programmatic TV and audio. Contextual targeting gained traction due to privacy regulations and the shift away from third-party cookies. The future holds exciting possibilities with the integration of emerging technologies like AR, VR, and IoT, enriching the ad experience for users.